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Showing posts with the label "black people"

Covid-19 and Genetics

"The evidence suggests that this coronavirus does not discriminate, but highlights existing discriminations. The continued prevalence of ideas about race today – despite the lack of any scientific basis – shows how these ideas can mutate to provide justification for the power structures that have ordered our society since the 18th century." Genetics is not why BAME* people die of coronavirus BAME: Black and Minority Ethnic


In numbers Police killings compared with other countries and cities Related How many black people die in police custody in England and Wales

US: Uprising Against Police Murder

"Should we blame working-class black people for lashing out at a government and economy designed to repress, exploit, and subdue them; during a pandemic in which capitalism has made it near impossible for them to survive? Should we participate in this ritual condemnation even though our media consistently treats  identical acts of property destruction  by sports fans as simply revelry and exuberance, and corporate looting of working-class communities as business as usual?" We Should Not Condemn Uprising Against Police Murder Like George Floyd's