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Showing posts with the label "the environment"
‘Why this race? Running forever behind development? Why don’t we think more about the very notion of developing? For whom, for what? For growth rates? What is development? What does it mean to develop a country by increasing the number of poor people?’  A very interesting interview with geographer Habib Ayeb. I cannot digest though his assertion that the solution would be a return to the agricultural economy and that small farmers could feed humanity. I find it weird. Food Sovereignty and the Environment
[C]limatic facts are not facts in themselves; they assume importance only in relation to the restructuring of the environment within different systems of production. Rolando Garcia, Nature Pleads Not Guilty , Oxford, 1981, p. 157
"we might note that for the underachieving Arab countries, which is in fact the overwhelming majority of them, the crunch on their course of development is fourfold." Development under the threat of war in the Arab World