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Showing posts from December 9, 2018
It was good to see the man who had no qualms about dropping "the mother of all bombs" (MOAB) on  Afghanistan  or arming Saudi Arabia to the teeth to slaughter Yemenis had suddenly developed a gentle soul and felt he could not handle hearing the suffering of  a single person being strangled . How do Arabs scream in Arabic ?
"Pretending that Trump is some grand aberration, some radical departure from U.S. history and values, is simply a deceitful way of whitewashing what we have collectively endorsed and allowed." —Glenn Greenwald, January 2018 So is the rise of the far-right in Europe. So is the huge and obscene global inequality (p. 9). So is the gender pay gap. So is the uprising in France. So is austerity. So is the wars, Islamophibia, racism, proxy-war and migration. So is climate change. So is corruption. So is sexualisation and commodification of women (and men).  They are not aberrations; they are part and parcel of the very same system that builds rockets and high speeds trains and creates I.A. and invents new cures. A certain propagtion of an "economic fact" help perpetuate acceptance. " The number of millionaires in a country and its trend over time is often seen as a sign of a country’s economic health and its ability to generate opportunities for wealth creation....
"Ms. Merkel, for all her power and influence, is just one politician. Germany’s new political crisis runs much deeper. It stems from an economic system that has resulted in stagnant wages and insecure jobs. The erosion of Germany’s postwar settlement — a strong welfare state, full-time employment, the opportunity to move up in the world — has created a populace open to messages and movements previously banished to the fringes." It doesn't matter who replaces Merkel. Germany is broken. A background analysis German capitalism
Good! Unsurprisingly, one of the most significant impacts of the  Guardian ’ s series is to reaffirm the laziest tenet in the liberal worldview: horseshoe theory. Its adherents hold that the further one drifts on the spectrum, left or right, one is bound to end up at a point which converges with the other extreme. What other conclusion could you draw from this treatment of “populism,” a singular phenomenon that sees in the anti-Roma marches of Hungarian post-fascists Jobbik and the anti-gender violence demonstrations of Spanish leftists Podemos essentially the same thing? The Guardian's Populism Panic
What the liberal BBC and the Guardian call "riots" "If capitalism was not relatively stagnant in the historic Euro-American core, and if capitalist states had not haemhorraged political authority in recent years, and if austerity was not the dominant policy response, it is unlikely that meatspace shitstorms would occur in exactly this format. The scale of street violence -- even to the extent of defacing Marianne, to gasps of liberal horror -- reflects the scale of systemic violence ." France: the undead centre meets the shitstorm
France A good analysis by Frédéric Lordon. I think it is the best take (so far) on what is happening. In English In the original French