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Showing posts with the label “forced labour”

Modern Day Slavery in the US

"Even though slavery was abolished, it truly was just a transfer of ownership from chattel slavery and private ownership to literally state-sanctioned slavery," says Savannah Eldrige from the Abolish Slavery National Network. "The United States of America has never had a day without codified slavery.”

Modern Slavery

“The UN's labour organisation is keen to stress that slavery is not confined to poor countries far away from the Western world - more than half of all forced labour happens in wealthier countries in the upper-middle or high-income bracket.“ 10 million increase in numbers in five years


Two main things are at stake if sourcing cotton from Xinjiang, China, would stop tomorrow: the fashion industrialists have to a find other suppliers of cotton at the same/similar price, for the rate of profit is key, and a risk that shops in the West and elsewhere would be unable to provide apparels at an affordable price for consumers. At the end of the day, this type of complicity has been going on for decades. “Virtually entire fashion industry complicit in Uighur forced labour”