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Showing posts with the label “natural selection”

Do We Need a New Theory of Evolution?

An interesting and good read , especially for someone who does not read about evolution regularly and wants an update on the field. I have not read about the topic since 2010 (mainly through the writings of Jerry A. Coyne and Stephen Jay Gould). This is a battle of ideas over the fate of one of the grand theories that shaped the modern age. But it is also a struggle for professional recognition and status, about who gets to decide what is core and what is peripheral to the discipline. “The issue at stake,” says Arlin Stoltzfus, an evolutionary theorist at the IBBR research institute in Maryland, “is who is going to write the grand narrative of biology.” And underneath all this lurks another, deeper question: whether the idea of a grand story of biology is a fairytale we need to finally give up. The modern synthesis theory’s ideas “are still deeply embedded in the field, yet no formal reckoning with its failures or schisms has occurred. To its critics, the modern synthesis occupies ...