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Showing posts from September 22, 2024

إسبرطة الصهيونية

ما هو أفق إسبارطة الصهيونية؟ وما الذي يريده الصهاينة؟ حروب لا تنتهي؟ ومعاهدات سلام مع أنظمة لم تحاربهم أصلاً؟ وهي ليست معاهدات سلام بقدر ما هي اتفاقيات تعاون عسكري واستخباراتي واقتصادي مع الأنظمة، لا مع الشعوب.

لماذا رفض نتنياهو وقف إطلاق نار في لبنان؟

الاختلال العسكري الفادح، يناظره اختلال فكري غربيّ عنصريّ فاضح آخر يراهن المسؤولون الإسرائيليون عليه، فأولئك الحلفاء الغربيون، الذين تغاضوا حتى الآن عن كل المجازر التي ارتكبت ضد الفلسطينيين، واللبنانيين، سيتعاطون مع أي ردود عسكرية تؤدي لمقتل مدنيين إسرائيليين ضمن الآلة الدعائية الهائلة بحيث تنقلب أي خسائر مدنية إسرائيلية لآلية تبرير وتمكين لإسرائيل من إبادة المزيد من الفلسطينيين واللبنانيين!

‘Looming Civilisational Crisis’. ‘Looming Invasion’. ‘Win-Win’

“[W]hether demographic, democratic or cultural, the central tropes of the ‘looming crisis’ approach are monolithism—migrants are African for Smith, Muslim for Caldwell, Mexican for Huntington—and scale: the unprecedented numbers that are about to set forth.” Some figures are crucial to dispel myths and misconceptions. “[T]he latest figures for international migrants—defined as those who have been dwelling for at least a year outside their country of birth—is just over a quarter of a billion, or 3.6 per cent of the global population. Around 60 per cent of these are ‘labour migrants’, roughly 20 per cent are people displaced by war, repression or natural disaster, while 6 million are international students. “[O]ver half the cross-border migrants in Europe—44 million, out of a total 87 million—come from other European countries, mainly in Eastern and Southeastern Europe; ‘irregular’ arrivals by land and sea totalled only 189,000 in 2022. “Economic migration has grown and changed, but the ...

UK: Immigration Bill is Just as Racist as the Rwanda Plan

“Colonial constructions of the ‘threat’ and who are considered to be of ‘good character’.” A threat to a modern construction called the nation state. Would a Labour government undo so many of cruel anti-migration laws and mark a more ‘progressive’ chapter in migrant rights? The    Migrants’ Rights Network is not optimistic

Lebanon: Who Wants War With Israel?

Charbel Nahas Former minister and founder of the Citizens in a State movement says:   There’s no longer a state , so asking the army to replace Hizbullah on the southern border makes no sense. For that, we’d need a census, conscription, weapons.’ He believes what’s required is to put Hizbullah’s military and social achievements under the control of a ‘strong, secular’ regime. But, he warns, the precise aim of the ‘Zionist project’ is to ‘delegitimise states in the region. For Israel, having Arab states and societies fragmented is ideal.’

Quote of the Week: Wars Are Not Caused by the Arms Industry

To say . . . that wars are caused by the ammunition industry, would be a cheap assertion. The ammunition industry is by no means a branch of production existing for itself, it is not an artificially created evil which in turn calls forth the ‘battle of nations’. It ought to be obvious . . . that armaments are an indispensable attribute of state power, an attribute that has a very definite function in the struggle among state capitalist trusts. . . . [J]ust as it is true that not low prices cause competition but, on the contrary, competition causes low prices, it is equally true that not the existence of arms is the prime cause and the moving force in wars . . . but, on the contrary, the inevitableness of economic conflicts conditions the existence of arms. —Nicolai Bukharin,  Imperialism and World Economy

Algorithm Management is Reorganising Class Struggle

“Rather than making work easier or more rewarding, we expect the development and application of new technologies, particularly in the areas of automation, computation and artificial intelligence,   to disempower us .” “In a world where the vast majority of us are  compelled to work in order to live , the future of work matters – which is to say: workers matter…  In a word, they [workers] are free , and by their most basic and human capacity for autonomy introduce uncertainty into a finely calibrated calculus for making money.” (My emphasis N.M.) As far as I can understand there is a contradiction. The word ‘free’ is not even in inverted commas.