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Showing posts from February 11, 2007

Iran - Salamah Kaileh

Middle East Panorama show on Resonance FM 104.4 or Every Friday 14:00 - 15:00 London Time (GMT) " As opposition grows in America to the failed Iraq adventure, the Bush administration is preparing public opinion for an attack on Iran, its latest target, by the spring [of 2007]." (John Pilger) Interview with Yassamine Mather, a member of the editorial board of Critique, a Journal of Socialist Theory, published by Centre for the Study of Socialist Theory and Movements at Glasgow University. Yassamine Mather works in the Departments of Aerospace Engieerning and Mechanical Engineering at Glasgow University. She has written articles on the Iranian revolution and Islamic fundamentalism. >> Listen here Interview with Salamah Kaileh spent 8 years in the Syrian prisons. Born in the town of Birzeit in Palestine, studied in Baghdad and became an activist within the Palestinian resistance. He wrote a number of books among them: "The Arab and The ...