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Showing posts from May 22, 2016
حوار مع دافيد هارفي ملاحظة: معظم الحوار لا يتعلق بـما يسمى الربيع العربي
"Almost half of European Union (EU) member states have flouted an EU-wide suspension on arms transfers to Egypt, risking complicity in a wave of unlawful killings, enforced disappearances and torture..." Risking complicity? Oh, that impartial Amnesty! EU Member States Complicit in Killing and Torture Here is the bigger picture: "Thanks to ... three kingdoms – Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran – the policies of the powerful international powers have prioritised stability: thus effectively sponsoring the states’ transformation into security agencies, and permitting them to eradicate their subjects if they get out of hand, and not interfering with the internal matters of the dynasties and juntas which rule over their citizens’ lives. This prioritisation of stability has benefited despotic regimes, including the Assad regime, and has never been in the interest of the populace and their demands and political activities. Isn’t this, rather, the most important source of ...
يوما ما عندما كنت طالبا في الجامعة وناشطا نقابيا وسياسيا تم إيقافي وأنا في طريقي إلى المعهد وزج بي في سيارة الشرطة. وفي الطريق إلى مركز الشرطة قام أحد رجال البوليس من تفتيش محفظتي ومصادرة هذا الكتاب. لم يتسنى لي بعدها قراءته .  التخلف الاجتماعي أو سيكولوجية الإنسان المقهور
"The belt-tightening legislation, outlined in a 7,500-page omnibus bill, includes measures that range from the taxation of coffee and luxury goods to the creation of a new privatisation fund in charge of real estate assets for the next 99 years. Under the stewardship of EU officials, the body will oversee the sale of about 71,500 pieces of prime public property in what will amount to collatera l for the €250bn in bailout loans Greece has received since 2010." “They are with the exception of the Acropolis selling everything under the sun,” said Anna Asimakopoulou, the shadow minister for development and competitiveness. “We are giving up everything.” "At the behest of the EU and International Monetary Fund, the government has agreed to adopt tighter austerity in the form of an automatic fiscal brake – referred to as “the cutter” in the Greek media – if fiscal targets are missed." Greece pushes fresh austerity drive through parliament