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Showing posts from June 26, 2022

A Stagflation Debt Crisis Looms

According to a leading liberal, new Keynesian economist, “The next crisis will not be like its predecessors. In the 1970s, we had stagflation but no massive debt crises, because debt levels were low. After 2008, we had a debt crisis followed by low inflation or deflation, because the credit crunch had generated a negative demand shock. Today, we face supply shocks in a context of much higher debt levels, implying that we are heading for a combination of 1970s-style stagflation and 2008-style debt crises – that is, a stagflationary debt crisis.”

‘Dead’ Trying to Cross Into Spanish Enclave

In Spain you are not sent to Rwanda, but to ‘heaven’ Related Meanwhile “the project proposed by an Ex-Tesco CEO to connect southern Morocco to the UK through underwater cables will channel electricity. Once again, a familiar colonial scheme is unveiled: the unrestricted flow of cheap natural resources (including solar energy) from the Global South to the rich North while fortress Europe builds walls and fences to prevent human beings from reaching its shores!” — Hamza Hamouchene , a researcher and activist.