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Showing posts with the label “American Presidents”

Let’s Destroy the Ivy League

I have just had a discussion with a student, a white English guy, at a London elite university. The discussion was brief, but ‘development’. The student believes that ‘development’ means, among other things, that ‘other countries would eventually catch up’ with the West. When I asked him about the functioning of capitalism , uneven development, monopoly of technology, power relations, imperialism, increase in inequality , domination, perpetuating oppression etc… and whether they study that, he openly expressed his indifference. When I said students at elite institutions are trained to manage the system, to be advisors to some governments, to follow the dictats of the international financial institutions– and of course to obtain a degree, have a ‘good’ job, open a family, etc – he immediately admitted: “Yes, I don’t care about the rest.”  The entire Ivy League should be razed to the ground Related What is PPE?