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Showing posts from June 18, 2006

Alex Grant - Radio Tadamon

Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104 or Every Friday 14.00 - 15.00 London time (GMT) On June 02, 2006, two events took place. They were very similar. The first was in Forest Gate, East London, in Engalnd. The second was in Canada. In both cases the police raided Muslim places claimimg attacks by terrorists were in preparation. In both cases no evidence of chemical weapons or illegal or suspicious activity of any kind has been found.Marjaleena Repo: "A galloping police state is emerging, in a fashion, familiar to those who know their history, of 1930’s Germany." The Observer newspaper 11 June 2006: "Better a bungled raid than aother terrorist outrage." Alex Grant: "It is vitally important for the imperialists to create an enemy to justify their wars against the poor of the world and they do this by creating racism and fear at home." Mike Marqusee: "That democratic vision is profoundly at odds with the ideology being...