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Showing posts from March 29, 2020


Protecting the rich, exposing the poor to humanitarian and economic disaster


This "community surveillance" makes sense in this situation provided it is dismantled afterwards. But that should go along with mass testing (which should have been carried out from the very beginning) Copy and past the following headline to google search:  Germany’s virus response shines unforgiving light on Britain Community surveillance, community protection

South Africa

“It will be the survival of the fittest—no, the survival of the richest," Say South African shak dwellers


Uncovering filth: It takes a health crisis to 'discover' that some people exist and that they are 'essential'. "It is an open secret that the vast majority of people who harvest America’s food are undocumented immigrants, mainly from Mexico, many of them decades-long residents of the United States." Farmworkers, mostly undocumented, become 'essential'

Xenophobia and Racism

What whould have happened if it was some Muslims/Muslim refugees who smuggled the coronavirus into Europe? List of incidents related to coronavirus


One of the things that Corona has exposed The grim crisis in Europe's care homes

A Pandemic

War economy? Related: We are not the virus (I don't see though what the figure mentioned refers to: " During a crisis that has killed hundreds of thousands of people..."


£1bn of taxpayers' cash to help foreign countries buy British arms

UK and beyond

"It seem clear that, for whatever reason, Western political systems have proven incapable of responding rationally, in time, to the Coronavirus threat. As Richard Horton writes of the government, overwhelming scientific evidence of an advancing threat did  not  generate the required action: 'For unknown reasons they waited. And watched.’