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Showing posts with the label "fox news"


The killing of Iran's top military man Mr Raab, the UK Foreign Secretary, told the BBC the US "had a right to exercise self-defence". Self-defence because Qassem Soleimani was in the Atlantic Ocean with a Revolutionary Guard special force, heading towards Miami to attack the US. What Raab said is complicty in crime of an imperialist state, an ally of the US Cheerleading for a war with Iran

Immigration Panic

Not bad as an account of hypocrisy, backed by quotes. It is inaccurate though to say that America faced a threat by Japan, the Soviet Union, or al-Qaida. That too, like today's fear of refugees (and Muslims), was the manufactured fear of the "cold war". Never in its history the US faced a threat. This is a myth in International Relations realism studies as well. The like of John Mearsheimer made such arguments in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics . Why states like the German and the Canadian welcomed refugees recently should be expanded and grounded into a bigger picture: The main German drive has been be demography (That was well-highlighted by Stratfor in 2015). Other reasons include historical guilt and the recent financial terrorism inflicted on Greece. It is not because some Syrians have blue eyes or a girl carrying a picture of Merkel. It is the very same German state that is selling weapons to the UAE, fuelling the killing of civilians in Yemen and selling su...

Orientalism Then and Now

"This is the Orientalism of an era in which Western liberalism has plunged into deep crisis, exacerbated by anxieties over Syrian refugees, borders, terrorism and, of course, economic decline. It is an Orientalism in crisis, incurious, vindictive, and often cruel, driven by hatred rather than fascination, an Orientalism of walls rather than border-crossing. The anti-integrationist, Islamophobic form of contemporary Orientalism is enough to make one nostalgic for the lyrical, romantic Orientalism that Mathias Énard elegizes, somewhat wishfully, as a bridge between East and West in his 2015 Goncourt Prize-winning novel,  Compass .  If Orientalism has assumed an increasingly hostile, Muslim-hating tone, this is because the “East” is increasingly inside the “West.” This is a clash not of civilizations, but rather a collision of two overlapping phenomena: the crisis of Western neoliberal capitalism, which has aggravated tensions over identity and citizenship, and the collapse o...
Education starts at home If you want to know more about socialism, you don't need to look back at the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. Look at Venezuela. And if you need to have theoretical and ideological understanding of what socialism is, follow Fox News. I wonder though why the journalist here adds this sentence that demolishes his has arguments against "socialism".  "But no country has ever successfully enacted a system that matches Marx’s vision for the world – a reality even the staunchest Marxist will admit." It is also convenient to call Bernie Sanders, a social democrat, a socialist because it helps the child learn more about the evils of socialism and how to protect the American way of life from it How to get your child say no to socialism
Trudeau's double game is interesting to follow ... Meanwhile he presides over a government that is now the second arms supplier to the Middle East. Six months after assuming office, his government signed a $12 billion arms sales to Saudi Arabia .