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Showing posts with the label “Jürgen Habermas”

European Philosophy Has Been Exposed as Ethically Bankrupt

But did we really have to wait for an event like the war on Gaza to realise that ‘European philosophy has been ethically bankrupt’? “Those of us outside the European sphere of moral imagination do not exist in their philosophical universe. Arabs, Iranians and Muslims; or people in Asia, Africa and Latin America - we do not have any ontological reality for European philosophers , except as a metaphysical menace that must be conquered and quieted.  Beginning with Immanuel Kant and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and continuing with Emmanuel Levinas and Slavoj Zizek, we are oddities, things, knowable objects that Orientalists were tasked with deciphering. As such, the murder of tens of thousands of us by Israel, or the US and its European allies, does not cause the slightest pause in the minds of European philosophers.” The unfinished project of Enlightenment

Habermas, UAE’s Prize and Israel

The German philosopher Jürgen  Habermas is right to reject the UAE’s prize. But, like the German establishment – Merkel’s and Heiko Mass’ support of the last Israeli warfare on Gaza – Habermas has been complicit. It’s a German value, not different from the American or the British historical values. This article , for example, does  not refer to the hypocrisy of Habermas who has been  in Israel, spoke there publicly and kept silent on Israeli occupation and the state’s crimes .