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Showing posts with the label “Deng Xiaoping”

China: There Are No Saviours Above Us - June The Fourth Thirty Years On

Historical records and appraisals are not always reliable. Many are deceitful. As we all know, in a long dynasty, heroes abound; in a short one, most are villains. Why? Because a long dynasty chronicles its own history, hence eulogy; a short dynasty has its history written by its conqueror, hence denunciation. Lu Xun told his audience, in one of his 1927 lectures on the Wei-Jin era (coinciding roughly with the late Roman Empire). This is interesting but access to the full review is not free. Meanings of June the Fourth


Two views on China: Esteban Mercatante argues that China is capitalist while Richard Smith says it is not. The Contours of Capitalism in China Why China isn’t Capitalist