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Showing posts with the label "homosexuality in the Quran"
Homosexuality Salman al-Odah, a leading Saudi cleric with 9 million Twitter followers, said in  an interview with a Swedish newspaper  April 30 [2016] that even though homosexuality is considered a sin in the Torah, Bible, and Quran, according to Islam the punishment comes in the next world, not this one. "Those that say homosexuals are deviants of Islam, they are the true deviants and their actions are a graver sin than the homosexuals themselves,” he added, in a  statement on his website . [T]here is no prescribed execution for homosexuality in the Quran or in Islamic law. Instead, scholars say, the Quran implies that retribution is in the hands of God. As for the  hadith , the sayings attributed to the prophet Mohammad, there is much dispute as to whether he prescribed a particular punishment for sodomy. President Abdul Fattah Sisi [supported and armed by the West], who ousted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi in 2013 and brought back a more secular Egypt...