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Showing posts with the label “Russian cats”

Russia-Ukraine Quiz

Imagine this for a second: You want to buy a cat. They tell you that the cat is Russian. What would you do? 1. Ask the cat to show an ID. 2. Ask the cat a question in Russian. 3. Ask the cat whether she is for or against the invasion of Ukraine. 4. Do not buy the Russian cat and ask for a Ukrainian one. 5. Buy the Russian cat and bring her up with “Western values”. 6. Do not buy a cat at all. “For some Westerners, anything could be weaponized, including cats. Yes, CATS.  Amid the spiraling crisis in Ukraine, a ludicrous news story hit the headlines: Russian cats are sanctioned.  “The Fédération Internationale Féline, an NGO of cat registries founded in Belgium [sic], announced on Tuesday a ban on Russian-bred cats from its shows, and cat owners who live in Russia are also banned from the organization. This is the tip of the iceberg among a growing number of drama queens in Western countries who have jumped into a so-called anti-war campaign, with their moves going far beyond ...