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Showing posts from July 2, 2017
A new book I have read Life as Politics. This one too looks good.

Tea War

This is a fantastic documentary. I watched it during a flight with Air France, but apparently it is not available free online. I guess it can be viewed using a " free trial ". The Adventures of Robert Fortune The Great British Tea Heist
“We see it as a class issue rather than a race issue.” It is both, and the retreat from race  and class will get us closer to addressing neither. The retreat from race and class
A good analysis, but with a disappointment. Bellamy speaks of the "periphery" and "weak link", but has not touched at all on a major series of recent uprisings which have taken place in "the periphery". The US, Britain, Russia, France with their allies like the Saudi monarchy and the UAE have played a major role in the counter-revolution of aborting or diverting the uprisings (or "revolution") in the Arab countries. The only mention of counterrevolution was half a sentence about the "Islamic State" as a product of geopolitics. Revolution and counterevolution - 1917-2017
" Contempt is the thread that runs through much of the worst barbarism in today’s Britain." How power operates in modern Britain: with absolute contempt