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Showing posts from October 4, 2020

Meritocracy: The Tyranny of Merit

“The Tyranny of Merit  [by Michael Sandel] is infused with moral urgency, elegantly written and cogently argued, with a core conclusion both succinct and indisputable: meritocracy does not counter inequality, it justifies it.” Why the ideal of meritocracy only deepens inequality


  Founding Generation of Looters Related “Yitzhak Epstein, one of the first settlers in the Land of Israel, a member of “Hovevei Zion,” argued forcefully in his essay “A Hidden Question” (1907), which caused a great stir among the small Jewish population in the country, that the Palestinian reaction to Jewish immigration is rooted, among other causes, in economic competition and dispossession, not in hatred or antisemitism. The list of those who made similar arguments is a lengthy one.” —Adam Raz


The assumptions underpinning our modern economy – that we are competitive by nature, that our desires will always exceed our means – were wrong. And second, it meant that for the vast majority of our history, while we roamed the Earth as hunter-gatherers, we enjoyed more leisure time than we do today. Lots of these things that we think we are hostage to are actually not a part of our nature. In a 2015 YouGov survey, 37% of Britons said their work did not meaningfully contribute to the world. In 2017, a Gallup poll of 155 counties found that only one in 10 western Europeans described themselves as engaged by their jobs. Though labour productivity has increased roughly four- or five-fold in industrialised nations since post-WWII, average weekly working hours have remained stubborn at just under 40 hours a week. A recent report by  Tax Justice  found that Britons think accumulating wealth is positive and morally right, and are broadly supportive of the ultra-rich, believing them ...

US: Years of Lead?

“ The country has been here several times before: Bleeding Kansas during the 1850s, when slave-owners and abolitionists faced off in murderous confrontations; the birth of the first Klan after the Civil War to resist Radical Reconstruction; and the wave of violence that accompanied the rise of the Third Klan during the civil rights movement. Elements of the left from John Brown to the Italian Red Brigades have also pursued violent accelerationist campaigns in pursuit of social change. But only the reactionaries have enjoyed approval from more mainstream sources of political power. Often, they got logistical support as well as material and legal cover from security services.“ America is about to enter its years of lead Related Black Americans arm themselves in response to pandemic, protests


“ Thomas Haldenwang, the president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, who jointly presented the report with Seehofer, said the spectrum of cases was “large” and the accusations against the individuals “very heterogeneous”, but he said most of them broadly fell into categories with “typical rightwing extremist hallmarks”, such as racism, antisemitism and glorifying National Socialism.” Hundreds of right-wing extremist incidents by security forces revealed


He doesn’t care about Black Lives Matter ... Just follow what he said carefully. You would be surprised how much ignorant white British are. And this is only one subject of discussion. An example from Bristol, England

سعيدة المَنَبْهِي

سعيدة المَنَبْهِي  ولدت عام 1952 في مراكش - توفيت في 11 ديسمبر عام 1977 في الدار البيضاء  كانت شاعرة مغربية و ناشطة في المنظمة الماركسية الثورية إلى الأمام . في عام 1975 ، حكم علي سعيدة و خمسة أعضاء من المنظمة بالسجن لمدة سبع سنوات بتهمة القيام بأنشطة مناهضة ومعادية للدولة . في السجن بالدار البيضاء ، قامت سعيدةبإضراب عن الطعام وتوفيت في اليوم السادس والثلاثين من الإضراب. والجدير بالذكر أن سعيدة المنبهي تعد أول شهيدة عربية في إضراب عن الطعام من أجل النضال الثوري. وتعتبر أيقونة للتضحية والمثابرة والصمود بالنسبة للشباب والطلبة المغاربة ومصدر إلهام للنضال اليساري، ووصفها الشاعر عبد الله زريقة بـ "امرأة أحبت الضوء". يعد شعر سعيدة المنبهي - الذي تم تجميعه ونشره عام 2000 - مثالًا رئيسيًا على الشعر المغربي الثوري والنسوي. ويذكر أنها كانت تكتب بالفرنسية. وفاتها ابتداء من يوم 8 نوفمبر 1977 دخلت سعيدة المنبهي في إضراب تام عن الطعام وذلك بهدف سن قانون المعتقل السياسي والدعوة إلي تحسين ظروف المعتقلين وفك العزلة عن ...


“It would be useful for some contemporary pundits and politicians to be reminded that ‘horseshoe theory’, which places anti-fascist activity in the same category as the fascists they oppose, is dangerous nonsense.”  A book review The International Brigades: Fascism, Freedom and the Spanish Civil War


 The friendly regime “liberal democracies” of Paris, London and Washington support, welcome and will welcome again ...has executed 79 political prisoners since el-Sisi came to power Egypt executes 15 ‘political prisoners’ in a new crackdown