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Showing posts with the label "military regime"

South Korea: Behind ‘the Miracle’

"Behind the so-called 'Miracle of Han River" was a brutal and dark reality." South Korea's 1980's 'concentration camp' Related The South Korean economy of today has a background in brutality, the Korean War, a military dictatorship-led development, government-chaebol cooperation , achieving high productivity with acquiring technology and imposing the longest working hours in the world in the 1960s, a big foreign aid (especially from the U.S. and Japan) ...
Although global media outlets like the  Economist  have made the case that the Rohingya of Burma are the “ most persecuted people in the world ” for several years at this point, their plight has yet to fully register around the world. Does that mean that what's been happening to the millions of Syrians is not persecution? The assertion above does not say "the most persecuted ethnic group." I don't understand the criteria used here and not questioned or at least qualified by the Economist and Jacobin editors. The Catasrophe of the Rohingya