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Showing posts from May 29, 2022

The Man Who Sold His Skin/Back

I liked the movie. In the original title ‘back’, not ‘skin’ is used.

Capitalism, World Peace, the Environment

This statement was published in 1995, i.e. before the wars and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, for example, and before the destructive legacies left behind after the American forces withdrew from the two countries, the Arab uprisings and the war in Syria, the NATO ‘intervention in Libya, and of course the ongoing invasion of Ukraine – a proxy war in fact. In addition to the exacerbated ecological degradation, rise in global inequality and social insecurity and precarity, etc. I am convinced, for example, that capitalism cannot deliver world peace. It seems to me axiomatic that the expansionary, competitive and exploitative logic of capitalist accumulation in the context of the nation-state system must, in the longer or shorter term, be destabilizing, and that capitalism – and at the moment its most aggressive and adventurist organizing force, the government of the United States – is and will for the foreseeable future remain the greatest threat to world peace. Nor do I think that ca...

Friends in Arms

      Abdel Fattah el-Sisi  and Emmanuel Macron Egypt sentences former presidential candidate to 15 years . The former presidential candidate is one of at least 60,000 political prisoners estimated to have been jailed since Sisi took power in a  coup in 2013.

America Is a Gun

In fact, America is two guns: one at home and a much bigger one abroad.

An Epic of an Israeli

Via Middle East Eye. Notice the wording. The assault is called ‘altercation’.  Aida Saidawi, a Palestinian woman in her 50s, in an altercation with an Israeli settler in Jerusalem's Old City on 29 May 2022 (MEE/Haaretz/Ohad Zwigenberg)

Un Pays Alimentairement Dépendant …

“Un pays devient dépendant en poursuivant une politique agricole basée sur les avantages comparatifs qui consistent à produire pour exporter des produits agricoles hors saisons et/ou rares sur les marchés mondiaux, tels que les dattes, les agrumes et autres primeurs, et importer des produits alimentaires de base tels que les céréales.  Ainsi, non seulement on épuise les ressources locales, au détriment de la paysannerie et des populations locales, pour nourrir le marché mondial et les comptes bancaires des grands investisseurs, mais on se soumet aux mécanismes d’un système alimentaire mondial sur lequel la capacité d’influence d’un pays dépendant est pratiquement insignifiante.” Pays dont la souveraineté politique économique est réduite