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Immigration Panic

Not bad as an account of hypocrisy, backed by quotes.

It is inaccurate though to say that America faced a threat by Japan, the Soviet Union, or al-Qaida. That too, like today's fear of refugees (and Muslims), was the manufactured fear of the "cold war". Never in its history the US faced a threat. This is a myth in International Relations realism studies as well. The like of John Mearsheimer made such arguments in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics.

Why states like the German and the Canadian welcomed refugees recently should be expanded and grounded into a bigger picture: The main German drive has been be demography (That was well-highlighted by Stratfor in 2015). Other reasons include historical guilt and the recent financial terrorism inflicted on Greece. It is not because some Syrians have blue eyes or a girl carrying a picture of Merkel. It is the very same German state that is selling weapons to the UAE, fuelling the killing of civilians in Yemen and selling submarines to Israel.

Canada's Justin Trudo has made for himself a shiny image through the media and Facebook. Meanwhile in 2016 Canada was the biggest supplier of military hardware to the Middle East.

One more area to look at is the economic policies imposed on the countries where refugees come from. At university we studied push factors and pull factors in migration. The push factors are absent in the article below. One has to examine the consequences of the form of capitalism pursued in Latin America, for example, in the last 40 years, who implemented IMF amd World Bank recipes, the ideologues of the "free market", the US-backed coup in Honduras, the sanctions on Venezuela, which exacerbated the already 
mismanaged economy, the years of antagonistic American policies and interventions against Venezuela and Cuba because they have followed different paths than what the rulers in America want. 

One has to examine how the destruction of Iraq has contributed to more dislocation, the powers that instigated that destruction, from the US to its allies and subordinates, and the role of those who initially opposed the invasion but rushed in to help the US create a new state (an exclusive state), and how the economic and political policies of the Syrian regime laid the foundation of the Syrian disaster...and why Africans are leaving Africa looking for a better life in the northern hemisphere...

"Today, these jeremiads against migrants are given vent full-throated on Fox News. The Fox anchors claim they are not anti-immigrant; they just want immigrants to come lawfully. The commentator Tomi Lahren often tweets imprecations at immigrants: 'We are indeed a nation of immigrants. We are also a nation of laws. Respect our laws and we welcome you. If not, bye.'

The idea of "a nation of law" is a very powerful idea. But a powerful idea does not mean it is a right idea. On fact it is an anti-human idea that with indoctrination becomes part of a belief system. What is lawful and legal in our modern context is ironically a very recent invention of the nation state that was itself a settler colonial state in the case of the US (and Canada too). Yet many believe they are the legal inheritors of that land. In regard to the laws of immigration it is less than 100 years old. When we came here there was no law against setlling on the land, but later we invented a law. Now we are entitled to forbid you from entering "our country." 

"How the West fell for manufactured rage"
