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Showing posts with the label "students debt"
England: the rule of capital and corporate university "Up to a quarter of students in England are doing degrees that will not give them sufficient earnings to justify the cost of their loans, a think tank says. The centre-right group urges ministers to cut places on those courses offering little financial return and increase those in post-18 technical education." The centre-right group is obviously a defender of capital running universities and determining what education should students pursue. Instead of scrapping fees or make higher education almost free like in most countries, the solution is to scrap places because they are not marketable. The purpose is to create a debt-enslaved, pliable workforce.
England It is easy to forget that in 2005 Theresa May was a shadow minister going into a general election with a Conservative manifesto promising to scrap all tuition fees, the BBC reminds us. "People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be until they have learnt to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises." — L.