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Showing posts with the label “Zionist ideology”

Can International Law Help Free Palestine?

A recommended read A. Dirk Moses’  The Problems of Genocide  is “an authoritative account of how the concept of genocide came to exclude many forms of mass killing. Western governments were keen to develop a legal definition of the crime that absolved them of their own violent acts, such as the system of lynching and Jim Crow laws in the southern United States and the suppression of colonial rebellions in South Asia, Moses argued. The result was a law that exceptionalized genocide, affixing its threshold of transgression to the events of the Holocaust.” And Israel is considered Western by these Western powers; it is their creation and ‘a democracy’ in a sea of autocracy needs supporting. “‘As long as they can point to any other discernible goal — to subjugate, dispossess, or enslave, or even to lash out and take revenge [add ‘self-defence and ‘reprisal’]— states have a potential alibi against the charge of genocide’, wrote the legal scholar Darryl Li in  Dissent , citing ...

Israel in the Grip of Hardline Religious Nationalism

The main ideas in the rest of the article : Hazony founded the Edmund Burke Foundation in Washington to strengthen ‘the principles of national conservatism in Western and other democratic countries’. Hazony, writing just after [Meir] Kahane’s assassination in 1990, made clear that he never subscribed to his violent political views, but he did adopt Kahane’s neo-messianic brand of theology. Hazony helped edit Netanyahu’s  A Place Among the Nations,  the book which set out the future prime minister’s programme. Netanyahu asserts (in the Hebrew edition) that ‘the Israeli left may be suffering from a chronic disease that has affected the Jewish people for a century: the Marxism that impregnated the Jewish leftist, far-left and communist movements in Eastern Europe.’  An affliction that might explain why, after the June 1967 war, some leftwing Israelis wanted to give back the conquered territories. Hazony takes Asa Kasher, a philosopher at Tel Aviv University to task: ‘Kasher ...