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Showing posts with the label “unbeaten generation”


Signs of alternative power with an opposition that doesn’t want to take power! Belarus on the brink: what now? And as Volodymyry Artiukh wrote : “  Police violence, the lack of central ideological and strategic leadership among the protesters, and the decentralized nature of the protests will determine their further development. At the same time, the ruling elite showed no signs of a split, the security apparatus and the bureaucracy generally remained loyal, although there have been signs of hesitation at the lower and regional levels (with several state media journalists and police officers resigning). There is no central coordination center of the protest, no local centers, no visible leaders on the street, no identifiable political groups. I believe that some already existing political groups are taking part in the protests, but they are not visible as separate ‘tactical units’: they are either disoriented, or deeply disguised, or participating as individuals.” Partis...