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Showing posts with the label AI

The Target Factory

“ By broadening who and what constitutes a military target, mass killings take place under the guise of legal and strategic necessity. Arguably, the fastest way to turn civilians into combatants and civilian infrastructure, such as bakeries, into military bases on a massive scale is through the use of AI.” “[F]or the first time, the army's AI systems are allowing it to generate new targets faster than it can strike them. He noted that in the 2014 and 2021 wars, the IDF had exhausted its list of targets. Previously, finding and justifying new targets seemed to be a bottleneck in Israeli military operations.” Like competition in the ‘free market’, a capitalist has to tap well for a new niche even when the market is ‘saturated’. “The question is not whether AI is good or bad for war, or whether it could be refined to be fairer. The bias in the ‘target factory’ is a political one, pre-existing the elaboration of its data models: that international law integrates an economy of violence ...

Algorithm Management is Reorganising Class Struggle

“Rather than making work easier or more rewarding, we expect the development and application of new technologies, particularly in the areas of automation, computation and artificial intelligence,   to disempower us .” “In a world where the vast majority of us are  compelled to work in order to live , the future of work matters – which is to say: workers matter…  In a word, they [workers] are free , and by their most basic and human capacity for autonomy introduce uncertainty into a finely calibrated calculus for making money.” (My emphasis N.M.) As far as I can understand there is a contradiction. The word ‘free’ is not even in inverted commas.

What is Data Colonialism?

The Silicon-Tongued Devil

“Chomsky and his coauthors argue that machine learning  — the discipline behind generative AI and other powerful algorithms — will ‘degrade our science and debase our ethics by incorporating into our technology a fundamentally flawed conception of language and knowledge.’ Chomsky has been fighting against this particular conception since the 1950s, so it’s not a surprise that he thinks it’s problematic for it to be released commercially. It’s less clear that his particular blend of cognitive science and politics can truly account for what ChatGPT and similar systems are up to . A competing  op-ed  from the  Wall Street Journal  penned by now deceased Henry Kissinger — a generational Chomsky nemesis — and coauthors argued that ChatGPT was as important a step as the printing press, with similarly wide-ranging implications for policy, foreign and domestic, and the status of knowledge. In a weird way, Chomsky actually agrees with t...

Human Evolution According to Larry Page

Page is worth $120 billion. He is co-founder if Google, former manager of Alphabet and currently controlling shareholder. Nick Bilton: Larry Page was talking about the progression of technology and how it was inevitable that humans would eventually create “superintelligent machines,” also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), which are computers that are smarter than humans, and in Page’s view, once that happened, those machines would quickly find no use for us humans, and they would simply get rid of us. “What do you mean, get rid of us?” my friend asked Page. Like a sci-fi writer delivering a pitch for their new apocalyptic story idea, Page explained that these robots would become far superior to us very quickly , and if we were no longer needed on earth and that’s the natural order of things—and I quote—“it’s just the next step in evolution.” At first my friend assumed Page was joking. “I’m serious,” said Page. When my friend argued that this was a really fucked up way of ...

Palantir and Gaza

Related Intersectional struggles against big tech and Israeli apartheid

The Polycrisis of Capitalism in the 21st Century

There is a focus on capitalism in the UK .  I don’t understand what Michael Roberts means by three socio-economic systems. Is it not capitalism the socio-economic system of our era?