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Showing posts with the label Apple

Israel’s Pegasus: Complicity in Human Rights Abuses

“The [London] Metropolitan Police declined to comment.” “The cyber spying firm [NSO Group] has never been sanctioned in the U.K.” “[S]o far there have been no formal charges.” “In 2023, the management of five NSO-linked companies was moved to London and two U.K.-based officers were appointed.” “ [S]o far we have seen an absolute non-reaction”  [from the UK Government].

The West is Not ‘Civilisation’

Among the 150-plus photographs, images of Latin America, Africa, and the Indian subcontinent appear hardly at all and usually as a foil or kitschy reflection of Euro-American modernity. North Korea, the kitschiest foil of them all, appears as many times as the entire African continent. For all our differences, [the exhibition ] Civilisation seems to preach, we people of the world are essentially the same, and we’re all trying to make the best of life within the inescapable confines of US-exported late capitalism.


Just more of some of the usual crimes Via Michael Roberts “The finance sector is really just a criminal conspiracy to steal from the public. So much for regulation rather than public ownership and control. Take the Wirecard scanda l. Wirecard, which started out processing payments for adult entertainment and gambling websites, filed for insolvency on June 25 after the discovery of a 1.9 billion euro hole in its accounts. German prosecutors have since opened investigations into suspected money laundering, fraud and market manipulatio n at the company. Markus Braun, the company’s former chief executive, was arrested. The company's accountants failed to carry out basic obvious auditing of the accounts and the German government ignored whistleblowers about the company and instead tried to prosecute them! Then there is the Apple tax dodge . With the connivance of the Irish government, Apple booked huge amounts of its global profits in Ireland where tax rates were deliberatel...
Some interesting arguments of a big picture. However, it is too much political science, too little political economy. Hardly any mention of economic growth, profit, ownership of the means of producing wealth, capitalist uneven development, and what would make the rich countries jeopardise their standard of living for "a new international order" that is just.  It is not clear what the author means by the so often-repeated second person "we". Without political innovation, global capital and technology will rule us without any kind of democratic consultation, as naturally and indubitably as the rising oceans. The libertarian dream – whereby antique bureaucracies succumb to pristine hi-tech corporate systems, which then take over the management of all life and resources – is a more likely vision for the future than any fantasy of a return to social democracy. "The Demise of the Nation State"