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Showing posts with the label Ethiopia

Egypt and Ethiopia: War Over Water?

 Egypt’s Sisis threatens ‘instability that no one can imagine’ Related


Our media are dominated by ethnic strife while largely ignoring class struggles “Ethnic differences entwine with other social differences –especially of class, region, and gender. Ethnonationalism is strongest where it can capture other senses of exploitation. The most serious defect of recent writing on ethnonationalism has been its almost complete neglect of class relations (as in Brubaker, 1996; Hutchinson, 1994; Smith, 2001). Others wrongly see class as materialistic, ethnicity as emotional (Connor, 1994: 144–64; Horowitz, 1985: 105–35). This simply inverts the defect of previous generations of writers who believed that class conflict dominated while ignoring ethnicity. Now the reverse is true, and not only among scholars. Our media are dominated by ethnic strife while largely ignoring class struggles. Yet in actuality these two types of conflict infuse each other. Palestinians, Dayaks, Hutus, and so on believe they are being materially exploited. Bolsheviks and Maoists believed t
England " In Stockton-on-Tees, those living in the wealthier areas can expect to live as much as 18 years longer than those in the more deprived parts of the town. Life expextancy is 64 for a man. That's the same as Ethiopia." They must be those lazy people, smoking and drinking all day and who cannot go on a bike and look for a better job. How are they supposed to be healthy, shopping at wholefood and doing yoga?  Dying young in Stockton – England's most unequal town