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Showing posts with the label reuters

The Insult

  “In foreign reporters’ postcards there is a banalization of Iraqis’ agony, a mockery of their intelligence, a minimization of their grievances to corruption and poor services. … a horde of diaspora ‘scholars’ from Washington DC to London are committed participants in the normalization of the  abnormal  and the concealment of  ruination .” A very good reflection by Nabil Salih
"Opposition Labour Party plots overthrow of Capitalism" —Reuters Note the use of the verb "to plot", which is defined by Oxford Dictionary as "a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful." It is scary: we have just discovered that there is "a plot", "a secret plan", that Corbyn, McDonnell and their guerrillas have been organising a parallel underground organisation and an armed wing of the Labour Party in order to overthrow the system, possibly with the support of Cuba and China, with promises from North Korea that she will send advisors once the new regime is estabilshed.