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"The End of Tolerance" - Dubai

The End of Tolerance - Racism in 21st Century Britain and Dubai, wealth and workers' plight. Listen to the whole show . Related topic: Life Style of Richest People of the Middle East (Video)

Pakistan - UAE

Farooq Ali on Pakistan Hillary's Musharraf Bridge Collapse in Dubai United Arab Emirates' Migrant Workers Life Style of Richest People of the Middle East

Pakistan - The Kurds

US Hypocrisy, and Worse, on Pakistan Democracy (Ira Chernus) Articles : Pakistan at Sixty (Tariq Ali in London) Emergency in Pakistan (Adam Pal in Lahore) When Patience Snaps ( The Economist ) The Betrayal of the Kurds (a background article by the ISR) "Social Revolution Only Way Out" (Hindustan Times) Another Betrayal is Being Prepared

Mansour Osanloo - Chavez & Iranian Workers - USA-Iran

Wednesday 31 of October between 9pm and 10pm (GMT) on Resonance FM Radio Sunday 04 November between noon and 1pm (GMT) A Guest to be Proud of?: The Saudi King in Britain Freedom Will Come : The story of an Iranian trade union leader whose two-year fight for the dignity of workers has landed him and his deputy Ebrahim Madadi, in prison and in urgent need of medical treatment. Chavez Meets Iran Khodro Workers The crisis between the US and Iran Listen to the whole show here

Audio Selection - Articles - Books - Recent Shows

Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104.4 or Every Friday 14.00 - 15.00 London time (GMT) "If one day the people will to live Then destiny must reply; The might must disappear, And bonds must break" Abu al-Qasim al-Shabbi Audio (mp3) >> The show theme music >> Overcoming Zionism: Interview with Joel Kovel , 04July 2007 >> The War Economy of Iraq , Christopher Parker, 15 June 2007 >> Joel Beinin on Workers Struggles in Egypt , 30 March 2007 >> Assaf Adiv on Arab Workers plight and struggle in Israel, 23 March 2007 >> "Iran on the Brink - Rising Workers and Threats of War", Part 1 , Part 2 , 16 March 2007 >> Lara Deeb on Hizballah, Part 1 , Part 2 , 09 March 2007 >> "The Logic of Withdrawal" by Anthony Arnove, 26 January 2007 >> The Blood Never Dried : The British Empire in the Middle East, John Newsinger, 01 December 2006 >> China Mieville on the Mid...

Egypt - USA & Iran

"The U.S. news media have very little appetite for stories about Arabs who don't carry knives, shoot machine guns, launch grenades, or talk on gold-plated cell phones". Middle-east correspondent Rami G. Khouri " News about the Egyptian workers' struggle never reaches European media." Eg ypt : The Victory of Mahalla Workers Exposes the Weakness of Mubarak's Regime The Militancy of Mahalla al-Kubra Background interview and article >> Listen to the interview >> Read article US Imperialism and the Iranian Regime: Ready for War or Peace? >> Listen to the talk , part of MEP show of 04 October 2007 Recent interviews Middle East Panorama on Resonance FM Radio Wednesday between 21:00 to 22:00 GMT (repeated on Sunday between 12:00 - 13:00 GMT) 104.4 FM or

Iraq - Iran

ORB: More Than One Million Iraqi Deaths Bush-Linked Texas Company Signs Oil Deal with Iraqi Kurds Hundreds Held in US Anti-war March France: Prepare for War with Iran Audio - Articles - Books - Shows Films