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Not bad! However, could we speak of economics without considering "uneven and fettered development", regional and global capitalism, productivity, class? The economics of the Arabellion
 من أساطير تونس ما بعد الثورة المباركة: الدولة العميقة والجهاز السري.... 
 فقط للتذكير فالأسطورة لا تعني أن مضمونها خيالي تماما، بل تعني أن الناس يصورون مضمونا واقعيا بطريقة خيالية.... غير أن الفرق بين الأساطير التلقائية للجماعات والشعوب وبين الأساطير السياسية كون الثانية مدبرة باحكام ومسمومة بمحمولاتها الايديولوجية وموجهة لصناعة وعي عام وعمومي.... استراتيجية أسطورة الدولة العميقة هي اعفاء الدولة من جرائمها وفسادها وتفسخها ونسب كل ذلك لشكل مخصوص وخفي للدولة.... أما استراتيجية أسطورة الأجهزة السرية فهي اعفاء الأجهزة "الرسمية" والعلنية للأحزاب من فسادها ومؤامراتها ودسائسها وضلوعها في شتى الجرائم والتصفيات المادية والرمزية ونسب كل ذلك لجهاز حزبي خاص وخفي..... أخيرا فأفضل طريقة لاخفاء الحقيقة هي قولها بطريقة مشوهة، وهذا ما يبرع فيه سياسيو الطبقة السائدة وايديولوجييها وصحافييها وكل مرتزقتها.... 
 محمد المثلوثي، تونس 03 أكتوبر 2018
The average salary in Britain is £26,000. A salary of £51,200 is needed to "afford" to rent a one-bed London home. We have achieved something after hundreds of years of human evolution, technological and scientific development.  The BBC, faithful to Britain's spirit, has filed this infomation in their Business, not Society, section.
"The effervescent Al-Fares has become a lightning rod for all four deaths, and sparked a rare public discussion in  Iraq  about how far women have come in the 15 years since the US invasion, the proponents of which had vowed that civic freedoms and individual liberties would somehow emerge from the ensuing chaos." The US invasion? Britain and Poland, for example were not part of the crime, according to the writer. Under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein women rights were not excellent, but in no way were as bad as they are today The murder of high-profile Iraqi women
This was written by a student two years ago and available in English and Arabic . There is a good point about both Arab nationalism and Islamism being a reaction to the "West". This "West" is not defined though.  In addition, this highlighting of "reaction" ignores or marginalises the action. "Islamism" is neither defined nor specified. The assumption is that ot is homogenous. Islamist currents have not attacked "the West". Even the violent currents have not carried out violent attacks/reacted violently against Israel. Others have always been satified with verbal attacks. Some of them have worked with  Western regimes to undermine the left and the nationalists. Some others have not. Recently, after the Arab uprisings, both the main Islamist parties in Tunisia and Egypt openly demonstrated their friendly relationship with imperialism and have not challenged or tried to question capitalism.  The socio-economic context is excluded f...
"This kind of neoliberal urbanization is happening in many parts of the world. But when you start doing it in a place like Dubai where there are not that many neighborhoods with history, you are pretty much getting rid of any connection to your past, even if that connection is tenuous and that past is not an extended past like you have in other cities. It’s a central loss. And it’s happening in the Gulf and in other parts of Dubai. I think this should be an important area for research—why this is being done, why there is no resistance against that. The developer who is doing this project, Meraas, is a private company. But it is owned by Dubai’s ruling family, so they are basically operating as a private developer but with access to all that land." Urban loss in the shadow of the Gulf urbanity
“It’s a snapshot of the old Middle East with its incredible multiculturalism,” says Dr Wagner. “This whole idea of one nation, one faith, one language is a very European concept that then penetrated the Middle East. These letters came before the time when this kind of thinking began poisoning things. Letters from Arab merchants hidden for more than 200 years
"property in Britain, and especially London, is part of the plumbing of the international financial system. Without tackling this financialization of housing, no amount of construction will end the crisis." Britain's housing casino
British values Via Michael Roberts and the FT The companies of which country after Russia were engaged in money laundering using the Estonian branch of Danske Bank? Answer: Britain UK corporate entities were the second-biggest proportion, behind Russian, of 15,000 non-resident customers at the Estonian branch of Danske, the bank revealed this week. Up to €200bn flowed through those 15,000 customers’ accounts between 2007 and 2015. Danske estimates that much of this will be suspicious, making it one of the biggest money-laundering scandals ever. English LLPs and Scottish limited partnerships have been linked with financial crime and money-laundering. The structures essentially give anonymous shell companies a UK wrapper and can be registered through an official formation agent for as little as £50. British LLPs were the “preferred vehicle” for moving non-resident money and detailed how one customer had filed false information to Companies House, the UK’s corporate reg...