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Navigating Our Humanity

1. Whites refugees are welcome; others less so. 2. You can invade Iraq but not Ukraine. 3. Sometimes neo-Nazism can be tolerated. 4. Hitting high-rises is only a war crime in Europe. The four lessons from Ukraine

Anti-War Banners

 From Belgrade, Serbia, 18 March 2022

Africa’s GDP Compared

Ukrainian Capitalism and Inter-Imperialist Rivalry

Published in 2019 Ukraine’s uneven incorporation into the global capitalist system after the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Ukrainian capitalism’s internal contradictions and shifts of power between oligarchic blocs and their  unfolding in the context of neo-imperialist rivalry between the USA, the EU, and Russia.  Some of the major outcomes of that dialectic that facilitated a major multilevel crisis of 2013–2014 and led to the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych, Russia’s annexation of the southern peninsula Crimea, and the war in eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas.  A critical review of the major narratives on the nature and role of Western and Russian imperialisms in Ukraine’s crisis.

Sameer Khalili

The Border Regime

In reality, “there is a  striking discrepancy between the lack  of feeling aroused  by the deaths of tens of thousands of human beings—in their majority anonymous, unrecorded by the authorities and denied the dignity of a proper burial—with that excited by, say, the 1,000 lives lost in the crossing from East to West Germany during the Cold War. There is one obvious explanation: an African, an Arab or an Afghani who drowns in the Mediterranean, in flight from war, oppression or extreme poverty, is not seen as a human being in the same way as the Germans who were trying to flee ‘communism’ and were hailed as martyrs for liberty. In that sense, the border regime is an extension of the history of colonialism and domination that Europe and the West have exercised over the rest of the world, and to which ‘the construction  of Europe’ now adds a further chapter in the form of its poisoned fruit, the EU.”  —Stathis Kouvelakis,  Borderland, NLR March-April 2018

Double Standard and Racism

A Story from School
