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"The United States, the organizers realized, did not have the means to quickly manufacture more essential medical equipment, supplies or medicines, including antiviral medications, needles, syringes, N95 respirators and ventilators, the agency concluded."

But the U.S. and other countries found the money and resources to wage wars, increase inequality, fund the IMF, build hundreds of miliatry bases around the world and in the meantime decrease investments in infrastructure and public services. In the U.S. a ruling class and its representaives in government even left tens of millions of American without health insurance. American capitalism has had other priorities.

The article blames more Trump and co., but ignores that the problem is structuralThe pandemic is but the catalyst/the trigger/the accelerator for current financial troubles, not the cause. As was warned in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, etc., the Obama Administration’s bailouts were to make rich people rich again, not to ‘save the economy.’

A Cascade of Warnings, Heard but Unheeded

A few ambitious points on fighting the crisis