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Showing posts with the label BAME

Institutional Racism in UK

“ The report minimises and at times denies the existence of institutional racism in Britain, despite the fact that, as the government now acknowledges, several witnesses  gave detailed evidence  of the forms of institutional and structural racism that they feel do operate within the UK. It was produced by a commission led by figures who had rejected the concept of institutional racism years before they began work. Arguably it has achieved exactly what the government wanted, adding credence to the false binary that underpins  their culture war agenda : that the nation faces a choice between addressing racial inequalities or class disadvantage.” A poisonous patronising report


Boris Johnson's message to the working class Related It's not an accident Britain and America are the world's biggest coronavirus losers


Coronavirus deaths of BAME doctors amd nurses Related Ethnic minority academic Ethnic minority workers When do you become "British enough"?