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Showing posts with the label Islamisation

Quote of the Week: Reaction Always Thrives on the Prospect of Annihilation

Reaction always thrives on the prospect of annihilation. 'American carnage, white genocide; 'death panels; 'invasion, 'great replacement, 'Islamisation, 'treason; 'cultural marxists, 'scum, 'communism! The erosion and threatened destruction of worlds of power resembling, from its ideological purview, civilisational collapse, defeat, devastation. With which it is both appalled and enthralled... Amid the decomposition of the old party system, the legacy media, and associated forms of public authority, political forces organising around the nation and its enemies have won the major battles of the last decade. What is more, incumbency has been incredibly forgiving of their failures, their political gains proving far less fragile than those of the Left... The phrase 'disaster nationalism' implies something disastrous, or exploitative of disaster, or in elective affinity with disaster, or opaquely drawn to, or hurtling toward, or yearning for disas...