The Road to Guantanamo (2006, 1h: 31 mins)
Life Style of Richest People of the Middle East (2006)
The Battle of Algiers (1966, 2hrs)
The Black Panthers Speak (2003, 53 mins)
Palestine 1948 (July 2007, 9:39)
The Yacoubian Building
Related films:
The War on Democracy by John Pilger (2007, 1hr 34mns)
Life Style of Richest People of the Middle East (2006)
The Battle of Algiers (1966, 2hrs)
The Black Panthers Speak (2003, 53 mins)
Palestine 1948 (July 2007, 9:39)
The Yacoubian Building
Related films:
The War on Democracy by John Pilger (2007, 1hr 34mns)