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AOC Stood and Championed the Funders of Genocide

“The Great Hope of Social Democracy stood and championed the funders of a genocide with nary a word of criticism — indeed, she even defended Harris on the question of the genocide, saying she is ‘working tirelessly to secure a cease-fire in Gaza and bringing the hostages home’.

“With this speech, AOC solidified once and for all which side she is on the struggle to end the genocide in Palestine — the side of the establishment, the side that wants a temporary cease-fire and the continuation of the occupation and oppression of Palestine. She doesn’t want to end the apartheid system of Israeli domination; she stands with the Zionist oppressors and strongly endorses some of their strongest backers. AOC has betrayed the movement for Palestine; she is an enemy of that movement. We cannot continue to support politicians who may propose progressive domestic programs but support imperialism abroad. ]my emphasis N.M.]

The incorporation of AOC into the establishment is a natural consequence of working within a capitalist [and criminal] party.

“She voted for Trump’s military budget, after all. Some, like Kareem Elrefai, writing in the Nation, correctly recognize the betrayal of AOC but still foster some illusions in an ‘inside/outside” strategy’.”
