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Showing posts with the label Tunisie

The War on Migrants: Tunisia

“Speaking to the BBC, the city's health director, Hatem Al-Sharif, said more than 700 unidentified people, including young children, have been buried in unmarked graves on the outskirts of Sfax since the beginning of this year.” a Sudanese man, Adel Adbullah, said: "I fled from war. I don't think I will see any worse at sea than I already have. I have nothing to lose ."

Le Bourgeois et la Révolution

Cet article reflète la séparation de l'économique du culturel. Après tout, la bourgeoisie est une classe définie par son rapport à la production et à la propriété ; à son rôle économique de domination. Ce rôle doit également être abordé et ne pas être séparé de l'oppression en général.


اضغط/ي على الصورتين لعرض النص كاملا غسان بن خليفة، تونس 23 أوكتوبر 2020
“all the successive governments of Tunisia after 14 January have devoted themselves to the same economic and social choices of the Ben Ali regime, the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. (…) We are fed up with false promises and can no longer wait. We can no longer live without social welfare, without free access to healthcare, free education and social housing. We can no longer live without hope for change.” Tunisians oppose the IMF  The IMF in a few words
La visite d’une délégation de l’UGTT au dictateur Assad trahit les aspirations populaires de tous et toutes de Tunis à Damas