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Showing posts with the label nationalisations


From the British Labour Party special conference "The report also makes it clear that there should be no return to old models of nationalisation that were adopted after second world war.  They were state industries designed mainly to modernise the economy and provide basic industries to subsidise the capitalist sector.  There was no democracy and no input from workers or even government in the state enterprises and certainly no integration into any wider plan for investment or social need.  This was so-called ‘Morrisonian model’ named after right-wing Labour leader Herbert Morrison, who oversaw the post-war UK nationalisations." Models of public ownership
"The four freedoms of the single market have made it easier for companies to move money, goods, services and people around the EU, but workers have not benefited. There has been virtually no growth in UK  per-capita incomes  since the start of the financial crisis in 2007, something that has not happened outside wartime in the modern age." Why the moaning? These are sound arguments on Brexit, I think. As regarding whether the British could relate to "radical socialism", I say no. The  voters " would rather have Theresa May running the show than Jeremy Corbyn, just as in 1992 they decided to stick with John Major rather than take a risk with Neil Kinnock." And recent polls give Boris Johnson a lead.