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Showing posts with the label "saudi arabia"
It is not my government; it is a criminal regime " It’s a country where civilians are driven from their homes because of US- and British-backed violence, then have their pleas for refuge denied, partly on the basis that they may be terrorists. What is the onslaught from Yemen’s skies if not state terrorism?" Britain has blood on its hands over Yemen
Trudeau's double game is interesting to follow ... Meanwhile he presides over a government that is now the second arms supplier to the Middle East. Six months after assuming office, his government signed a $12 billion arms sales to Saudi Arabia .
" Da’esh is a degeneration that storms our society, due to prolonged political and religious manipulation by aggressive international powers, and regional powers with no cause or principle." It is a good analysis on the whole, but I don't think describing "Daesh" as imperialist is accurate at all. The Genealogy of Daesh
"When Theresa May sets off to embrace the autocrats in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and the other Gulf countries, the democratic opposition in these countries will be even less heard." — Anna Lehman, the Guardian, 18 December 2016 Ah, because this embrace is a new thing! Previous governments were champions of "human rights", trying to overthrow those autocratic families and were always supporting progressive oppositions until Brexit and Theresa came.

ISIS and Clinton Foundation Funded by …

Keep it leaking!  Exposing the powerful, the criminal, the corrupt, etc is not whistleblowing; it is the voice of dissent, and it should be encouraged and supported. Whether it is the Panama Files, or the banks and the politicians, or the oligarchs and the politicians, or the theocratic regimes and the Western governments ... in essence it is more facts about the real nature of the capitalist democracy. What we see, after all, is the tip of the ice-berg. "ISIS and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar"
Britain: The party of war " For the past 18 months, Britain has been complicit with mass murder as our Saudi allies have bombarded Yemen from the air, slaughtering thousands of innocent people as well as helping fuel a humanitarian calamity" How Britain's party of war gave the green light to Saudi in Yemen and A Brief History of the Yemen Clusterfu*k How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11   (The Washington Post) " These days, Canada is the second-largest arms exporter to the Middle East. Our Alberta oil sands produce more carbon emissions each year than the entire state of California. Our intelligence agency is allowed to act on information obtained through torture." Think Canada is a progressive paradise?
"I think that anti-war activists and socialists should condemn the actions of all states which commit acts of aggression and war crimes, not only those of Western powers or states aligned with the West"  " I think we should oppose Britain when it's doing things which are not good for the civilians of Syria, and its support for Israel and its backing of Saudi Arabia in its attack on Yemen, but we can also protest other countries when they're carrying out other barbarisms. It's just political consistency and speaking to principle." — Mark Boothroyd, a Labour Party activist