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Showing posts with the label communism
K is for Karl - Communism (episode 2)
It is sad but true to say, as Marx Wartofsky has, that "communist politics, as well as anticommunist politics, left the tradition of Marxist scholarship enfeebled."  This is a good piece. Marxism and the Philosophy of Science
" We may not be able to live a wrong life rightly, but we can stop living wrongly altogether. To do that requires a depth of social imagination, the courage of collective struggle and a wellspring of political desire that seems all but evaporated in the present moment." The spurious scandal of "Communism for Kids" (NYT)
"People are violent, and people can dress their violence up in any number of justifying causes that seek to relieve people of their personal responsibility because the cause or religion, be it Communism or Catholicism or Islam , is simply bigger than themselves." ( ) I read that and smiled. The liberals too hide their heads in the sand and turn a blind eye on the violence of capitalism and imperialism since the inception of the system: the slave trade, slave labour, conquests and colonization, two world wars, and to this day the violence of the global system is both direct and symbolic and we can see its effects also on nature and on our Earth. Actually, a serious observer traces the emergence of Daesh not only to the Iraq occupation, but also to the neoliberal policies of the Assad regime, climate change and the drought in Syria.

26 October 2008

Sunday between noon and 1pm on 104.4 FM (London) Or (worldwide) The Arab Communist Movement , featuring the views of Tareq Ismael , author of 5 books on the subject, and Hussam Al-Hamalawy , blogger, journalist and socialist activist from Egypt. Dissection of " The Unwinnable War in Afghanistan ."