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Showing posts with the label hamas
I think that the article, contrary to its title, it is a more a summary of the main ways the Palestinian have followed in their struggle against a settler colonial state since the first Intifida  than "why Isreal kills". Why Israel kills
One of the tools of the oppressor, the terrorist state, is to portray itself as a victim.  And the rest of humanity enjoys the spectacle, as usual. Muslims and non-Muslims have watched the Syrians massacred, the Yemenis slaughtered, refugees drowning, Rohingyas "genocided" ...  The more I hear and read about this, the more I feel ashamed of myself and my position in this world. I had years of struggles and protests against both: first against a police state and then against imperialist one. I came to realise the futility of such struggle. I despaired. The more I read about the last two centuries, the more I know about the huge scientific progress as well as about barbarism and our collective complicity in it. And, sadly, our complacency and complicity will continue in the coming atrocities. My only solace is to continue reading in order to keep a sharp mind; to survive in a swamp. "Area of terror"
When Western governments, "NGOs", CIA, etc pour money and agents in some countries to influence elections outcomes and make sure that the winner is their ally, does no make it to the news headlines, but considered conspiracy theory. When suddenly something is unearthed because there are elelection in a Western country and rivals are at each others' throes, then it is news. “I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake,” said Sen. Clinton. “And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.” Hillary Clinton, 2006

28 June 2009

Sunday between noon and 1pm on 104.4 FM (London) Or (worldwide) Listen to Jonas, the youngest pro Israel Jew I ever met. He is 12 years old, but able to hold a meeting at Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park, London. Iran : Mourad Shirin from the Iranian Revolutionary Marxists' Tendency speaks on the current situation in the country. Articles: Iran Falls to US PSYOPS The New York Times and Iran The New York Times and the Iranian elections

20 & 24 February 2008

Wednesday between 9pm and 10pm (GMT) Sunday between noon and 1pm 104.4 FM (London) or worldwide " Can Hamas Liberate Palestine ?". Views from the President of the British Muslim Initiative, the Jewish Socialist Group, Azzam Tamimi (historian and supporter of Hamas ), Gilbert Achcar, professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London... " If Stones Could Talk " by James Petras The Jewish Book Week : Spinoza and Secular Jewish Culture by Yirmiyahu Yovel, The $3 Trillion War by Joseph Stiglitz, The 1948 War by Benny Morris Women's Cinema from Tangiers to Tehran : Persepolis and Dunia Related: Bringing down the new Berlin Walls 11 Theses on the Resurgence of Islamic Fundamentalism Persepolis : "Bombs and Stars" Eastern Eyes