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Sami Ramadani - Maurice el Medioni

Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104.4 Every Friday 14.00 - 15.00 London time (GMT) Iraq on the brink : The media on Iraq, torture and sectarianism. Speaker: Sami Ramadani, an Iraqi activist and a teacher of sociology in London. >> Listen Interview with Maurice el Medioni , the living legend of Oriental piano. Now 77, the charismatic charmer from Oran, the home of rai music, still mixes an evocative cocktail of Cuban rhythms, French chic and Oriental mellowness. El Medioni is on tour in UK. >> Listen to the interview .

The Holocaust Denial: Lenni Brenner - The Jewish Week Book

Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104.4 Every Friday 14.00 - 15.00 London time (GMT) - The Holocaust Denial: interview with Lenni Brenner , author of Zionism in the Age of the Dictators and The Iron Wall - Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir , and with Mark Weber, the Director of the Institute for Historical Review . - The Jewish Week Book in London, UK. >> Listen to the whole show >> Listen to Marx in the 21st Century - interviews

'Muhammad Cartoons' - The Nature of Resistance to Colonialism

Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104.4 Every Friday 14.00 - 15.00 London time (GMT) "Muhammad's Cartoons" : A Christian : “Unlike Muslims … it shouldn’t be a problem to us Christians …we don’t judge …we would strongly protest, but not in violent way…” A British Muslim : “I would prefer ten thousand cartoons than even one life being killed by a foreign occupation of a country…” An Egyptian-American Muslim : “As a Muslim myself I think he reaction of the Muslim community is a way over where it should be…A complete diversion from the real issues…” 1857 – 2007: The Nature of Resistance to Colonialism . Part of a lecture given by Virinder Kalra, a senior lecturer at Manchester University, UK. The event took place on February 15 at the Kufa Gallery in London and included contributions from the audience.


Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104.4 worldwide Every Friday 3.30pm - 4.30pm London time (GMT) "Our message is one of humanity - but it's also political - we make protest music." Tamer Nafer, lead rapper of the first Palestinian hip-hop group, DAM.

'Dangerous Ideas': Profile Intermedia 8

Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104.4 worldwide Every Friday 3.30pm - 4.30pm London time (GMT) 'Dangerous Ideas': interviews with some Lebanese attending Profile Intermedia 8 , 'Achtung!', Graphics and design, 'Protest Workshop', Lebanon, Christmas in Lebanon, sounds from Bremen, including Christmas market sounds.

The Muslim Prayer - Individual Terrorism

Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104.4 Every Friday 3.30pm - 4.30pm London time (GMT) Repeated on Monday 7.00am to 8.00am The origin of the Muslim prayer; why the Muslims pray five times a day. A short discussion between a Muslim and a non-Muslim and others. Conducting an interview: making the controversial more controversial . Part of Middle East Panorama workshop at Profile Intermedia 8 , 'Achtung!', in Bremen, Germany; a discussion on terrorism with attendants from Denmark, Germany, and Lebanon. Sunday 10 of December 2005. Individual terrorism. A discussion among members of a socialist organisation, Socialist Appeal .

Beyond Chutzpah by Norman G. Finkelstein

Middle East Panorama radio show on Resonance FM 104.4 Every Friday 3.30pm - 4.30pm London time (GMT) Repeated on Monday 7.00am to 8.00am Beyond Chutzpah - On the misuse of anti-semitism and the abuse of history - by Norman G. Finkelstein ( Part 2 ). A talk by the professor of political science at DePaul University, and author of The Holocaust Industry and Image and Reality of the Israel/Palestine Conflict , followed by Q & A. >> . (57.6 mb - 59 minutes)