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"A divided Europe will not necessarily replicate the horrors of the early 20th century. History will rhyme, however, at the intersection of several trends running in parallel. The splintering of Europe overlays the   erosion of central authority within the Sykes-Picot borders  in the Middle East — borders that the Europeans created to divide the region and tighten their colonial grip. With those territories in prolonged conflict, the weakening of those regimes and the radical ideologies borne out of power vacuums will risk drawing a minority of European Muslims into battle   while driving migrants   into the heart of Europe, accelerating Europe's path toward  fragmentation." The Fear of the Other Europe The Lucky Generation
" This morning when I awoke I made the mistake of turning on the television "news". Two of the world's worst murderous thugs, Barack Obama and Francois Hollande were opining about their partnership to destroy Daesh/ISIL and how they would protect our freedoms by bombing the Middle East into rubble and removing Bashar al-Assad from power, and the utter hypocrisy of their verbal nonsense was too much  for me. They continue to up the massive military ante which puts all western citizens at increasing risk in their own countries while systematically stripping away our freedoms, and straight faced they expect us to sop up such blatant drivel. Before the rise in my gorge caused me to lose my breakfast I turned it off, which is what I have been doing consistently since the Paris attack and whenever these so-called leaders of the "free" western countries are pontificating publicly, which is far too often. The television networks must be noticing a precipitous drop