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محمود درويش وناجي العلي
This is an interesting study. There is only a resumé/abstract in French and English. The study is in Arabic.  You may need to create a free accound in order to access the study. Salafi-Jihadi Youth in a 'Popular' Tunisian Quarter
Some points from a speech by Gary Younge Labour produced mugs saying it would be tough on immigration; the Tories produced policies. After more than a decade of war and almost a decade of austerity, social democratic parties across the continent and beyond had failed to develop a programme or strategy that could engage with their traditional bases.  They no longer spoke the language of reform but instead containment. Their project, it seemed, was to limit the damage inflicted by international capitalism, not to prevent it less still to reverse it. My guess is that the overwhelming majority who attended that [historical] march [against the war on Iraq] ... voted for the government they were demonstrating against and at least a plurality, including many here, voted for them again. When Lula won the presidency in Brazil on a redistributive manifesto in 2002 the invisible hand of the market tore up his electoral promises and boxed the country around the ears for its reckless choice.
“MT  [Mother Teresa]  was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of  poverty . She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction.” — Christopher Hitchens The Squalid Truth Behind the Legacy of Mother Teresa
هل تعرفون القتل جميعًا ... Syria State Detention Deaths