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" I am going to be a discordant voice and what I am going to say is not meant to provoke or be contemptuous to nobody. I don't pretend to hold the absolute truth. I just would like to advance a different perspective as most of what I have seen or read on this platform in the last few days seem to be very Eurocentric (or at least influenced by a Eurocentric imaginary) and somehow reformist.   Most people were saying that both options (Remain and Brexit) are bad but we need to go  for the least worst for different reasons (including tactics). For me, both options are not only shit but a horror and I cannot be asked to adopt a lesser-evil mentality to choose between the two because I strongly believe that this attitude won't advance the struggle of emancipation of humanity. In the contrary, it always legitimises bourgeois elections (fought on reactionary terms for the interests of the ruling class, not the downtrodden and the oppressed) and ends up breathing new life to th
" Britain – or what is left of it – will now take a sharp turn to the right," Correction: Britain has been right wing for decades. It has been the most aggressive neo-liberal regime in Western Europe both at home and abroad. Both the Conservatives and the Blairites presided of that aggression. Now, it is just going to take a sharper turn to the right. "If you've got money, you vote in. If you haven't got money, you vote out"
"Brexit in the long run may not make a huge difference to the health of British capitalism, but right now it could help accelerate a new global recession.  And that would have a much bigger impact on the lives of those who voted for Brexit than the perceived problems of ‘overcrowding’ from immigration or regulation from Brussels." The Impact of Brexit
Brexit Here is another way to look at it:  17,410,742  have shown that they are radicalised and therefore refuse to integrate. Europe without the Union (01 March 2016)
This adds to Britain's socio-economic crisis , a crisis caused by the form of capitalism adopted by both the Tories and New Labour: corruption, deregulation, outsourcing, banking plunder, speculation, parasitism, austerity, scapegoating the vulnerable, racism, murdochian propaganda, dismantling of the welfare system, tax havens ... The referendum was a diversion by the ruling class from the crimes they have committed. The referendum was within the framework of a specific power structure, and the criminals, in disarray, hoped to maintain the status quo .
"[It] was the Civil War that brought this system crashing down 150 years ago. 200,000 freed slaves joined with hundreds of thousands of small farmers, workers, immigrants, and others in the Union Army and militarily crushed the slave owners. While slavery was defeated, racism was not. 150 years after the Civil War, there are more black men ensnared in the U.S. criminal justice system than there were slaves in 1850, as Michelle Alexander, the author of  The New Jim Crow , has pointed out. Today, it’s Wall Street and their capitalist system that perpetuates the racist legacy of slavery." 1865: A Revolutionary Turning Point in U.S. History