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Note that the Washington Post here is not questioning corporate education and how the system is organised to reproduce the elite in the US and in other countries. It is only questioning/exposing the excesses, which shouldn't be exploited by Trump in a context of electoral campaigns. Good! The more they stink, the better.
180 million workers have gone on strike in India الهند: أكبر إضراب عمالي في التاريخ إضراب مماثل نظم السنة الماضية
Here is of the things the Liberals have done in the last 20 years. IMF chief,  Christine Lagarde, also blogged  that  “Weak global growth that interacts with rising inequality is feeding a political climate in which reforms stall and countries resort to inward-looking policies. In a broad cross-section of advanced economies, incomes for the top 10 percent increased by about 40 percent in the past 20 years, while growing only very modestly at the bottom. Inequality has also increased in many emerging economies, although the impact on the poor has sometimes been offset by strong general income growth” . And what is their solution now? More globalisation. Some of them even argue for the colonization of Mars . That is what we can call a global economy of priorities that serves humanity!