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A "literary giant"! He might have been a good novelist, with a shocking and funny style. Howver, a good novelist is also judged by his/her integrity and principles as well by as his/her relationship to power and justice. Like Harper Lee, Roth accepted a medal from Obama, a criminal, an imeprialist and who, with others, laid the conditions which spawned Trump.


"Does 'populism' actually mean anything in this discourse, other than whatever may be inconvenient to Anglo-American liberalism?" No, you blithering idiots, Muqtada al-Sadr is not the Iraqi Trump
"Our values" Dear liberal feminists, How shall we remember the victims of the Manchester attack of last year? By having a highly sexualised, commodified celebrity . .
At the heart of it is the bourgeois liberal notion of justice—wherein equal and unequal people must be treated equally. It is equalizing the violent acts of the conqueror with those of the conquered. It is neither the Aristotelian nor the Marxist notion of justice—wherein justice means treating equal people equally and unequal people unequally.
 Those who have kept silent or supported the Syrian regime's killing of around 400,000 civilians are now condemning Israel!