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Germany "Neo-Nazi terror was overlooked, or perhaps deliberately ignored," says the BBC. " Suddenly, it was revealed that a neo-Nazi cell of just three people had operated with impunity for 11 years, murdering 10 people - and had remained unknown to police." See also this long read Related stories German soldiers performing Nazi salutes Goebbels' secretary who "knew nothing about the murder of 6 million Jews"

UK’s Social Justice

Social justice "The top 12 earners on the BBC's latest list of star salaries are all men."  It would have made a difference if half of them were women! "Match of the Day host Gary Lineker has overtaken Chris Evans as the best-paid person on the list, earning between £1.75m-£1.76m in 2017-18." What the fuck does Lineker produce for society? Do the British people question this? We have seen already that they don't give a shit.
Migration "The metaphor of Fortress Europe thus represents a highly sophisticated construction—far more so than the fortified continent of World War Two. Its lines of fortification are mobile and teem with electronic surveillance devices, reinforcing an arsenal of repression centred round the weapons of bureaucracy and fear. Its walls are semi-permeable, designed not simply to exclude but to filter entrance in a highly restrictive way, constantly fabricating and modifying systems of hierarchical categorization, of which the distinction between ‘refugees’—acceptable, but only in limited numbers—and ‘economic migrants’, illegitimate and thus illegalized, is only one example. It operates by establishing compacts with other states or agencies, outsourcing functions of coercion, detention, surveillance and control." — Stathis Kouvelakis

Europe’s Iron Curtain

" There is a striking discrepancy between the lack of feeling aroused by the deaths of tens of thousands of human beings—in their majority anonymous, unrecorded by the authorities and denied the dignity of a proper burial—with that excited by, say, the 1,000 lives lost in the crossing from East to West Germany during the Cold War. There is one obvious explanation: an African, an Arab or an Afghani who drowns in the Mediterranean, in flight from war, oppression or extreme poverty, is not seen as a human being in the same way as the Germans who were trying to flee ‘communism’ and were hailed as martyrs for liberty." — Stathis Kouvelakis Europe's Iron Curtain
"Cant displays of piety and dogmatism remained anathema to him." The centenary of the birth of Egypt's musical rebel