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Trailing ... The Mujahidin, Taliban and the CIA  (wikipedia) Sleeping with the devil (the Washington Post) The CIA and Islamic fundamentalism   (Weekly Worker) How the Taliban got their way in Afghanistan (the New York Times, a review of Ahmed Rashid's Taliban ) Political Islam in the service of imperialism (Samir Amin)
"Lady Rothschild wanted to persuade company chiefs that capitalism must go  “beyond financial performance only, in an effort to enhance the value of environmental, human, ethical and social capital”.   The idea was backed by luminaries like Bill Clinton; Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England; Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Church of England; and, to cap it all, Prince Charles of the British monarchy! These eminences were out to tell the world that capitalism is a great and good thing and can be made even better if we can reduce inequality and poverty, end global warming and wars, and operate in a ‘moral’ way.  Like Warren, Lady Rothschild argued that  “the imbalance of capital and labour”  must be acted upon." "Accountable, inclusive or responsible capitalism?" I disagree with stating that "capitalism won't and can't deliver". I think it is more complicated than that. The system in fact has been delivering and not del
UK Facts about previous MPs before voting in the last general election You get the idea about their education, wealth, "representation", and what interests/system they are expected to defend
Syrian security forces did not reach the targeted villages for several hours.  "The regime forces could have stepped in to prevent the attack or at least mitigate it once it happened," Dr Yahya said. "It's very easy for people to see this as a payback for them having not sided with the regime or for their attempt to take a neutral position in the conflict." Druze village massacre